Anatomy of an Arrangement: Duke Ellington’s “Skunk Hollow Blues” Despite the four-deep horn section, Skunk Hollow Blues has a three-part counterpoint on the head, some solo space with simple riff backgrounds, and one of the gnarliest shout sections of the swing era, all at a tempo perfect for beginner dancers and written with utmost efficiency. Written by ...

2019-07-13T03:26:13-04:00May, 2018|Tags: , , , , |

Why Custom Fitted Arrangements Are Necessary

As someone who is a working instrumentalist and a working arranger, one of the biggest problems I see with nearly every band today is a book full of ill-fitting orchestrations. A band playing a chart that doesn't fit them is like a person wearing a suit that isn't their size. ...

2018-05-15T18:17:36-04:00May, 2018|Tags: , , |
