What’s the Point of Lead Alto

Capable of sweeping string-like passages supporting a vocalist, punchy full-spread voicings that can rival the cannon shots of the brass section, and blistering unison and soli lines, the saxophone section is arguably the most versatile section in the big band. And on top of that section, the lead alto sets ...

2018-10-25T21:08:27-04:00October, 2018|Tags: , , , |

What’s the Point of Lead Trumpet

For the first installment in the “What’s The Point Of” series, we’ll look at the lead trumpet of a jazz orchestra. A typical big band has around 17 musicians and each one brings to the table with them a distinct voice and a lifetime of unique experience. Every single note ...

2018-10-26T14:09:59-04:00May, 2018|Tags: , , , |

Auditions, NFL “Culture” and Band Culture

The story involving the Dolphins, the NFL, and locker room bullying has been written about extensively. Some good stuff was put out by Ta-Nehisi Coates, who is always worth reading before anyone else. I did a clinic for a high school jazz band a week ago. The kids were great ...

2018-05-04T09:39:07-04:00November, 2013|Tags: |
